
Special Charter Train from Eperjeske Rendező pu (Hungary) to Halmeu (Romania) via Ukraine. Most of the route taken by the charter train is dual gauge 1520mm/1435mm, and is single track with passing loops. The closeness of the gauges means that it is not possible to use a common rail, so track layouts are complex at stations and junctions. In this picture, taken at Vilok, the standard gauge can be seen deviating to the right to allow the broad gauge loops to join from the left. Standard (1435mm) gauge freight trains between Halmeu (Romania) and Čierna nad Tisou (Slovakia) operate over this route, via Korolevo, Batjevo and Chop.
- Created on
- Monday 29 April 2002
- Posted on
- Friday 16 August 2019
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