RENFE EMU 120 set 52 arriving into Sevilla Santa Justa working train 694, Cadíz to Barcelona Sants. This train is known as "Torre del Oro" (Golden Tower) after the eponymous structure in Sevilla. Class 120 are dual gauge dual voltage, seen here in broad gauge 3 kV dc mode. I will take this train as far as Linares-Baeza, and on the way it will pass through the gauge changers at Sevilla Majarabique (to use the 25 kV high speed line between there and just beyond Córdoba) and at Alcolea. After I get off, on the way to Barcelona, it will reverse direction twice (at Alcazar de San Juan and València Nord) and later use the gauge changer at La Boella, west of Camp Tarragona.
- Created on
- Sunday 12 November 2023
- Posted on
- Thursday 30 November 2023
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