Home / 2022 / June 2022 / InterRail - early June 2022 / 8 June 2022 18
Wednesday 8 June 2022: With the main reason for this my first visit to València covered yesterday, and my flight home to Manchester from València airport not until 20:55 this evening, today was a free day to cover some of the extensive Valèncian suburban network. Sagunt - Castelló de la Plana - València Nord; Metrovalencia line 10 Alacant - Natzaret; València Nord - Gandia - Xeraco - Platja y Grau de Gandia - València Nord; Metrovalencia line 2 - Torrent Avinguda - Colón - Aeroport. Flight from Valencia to Manchester.
See trip report for the full itinerary, traction details and notes.
See trip report for the full itinerary, traction details and notes.